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Treasure, February 2025

I went to the beach the other morning. I had wanted to for some time. Deep down, I really wanted to go  over to the Olympic Peninsula and drive along the Strait of Juan de Fuca on State Route 112 past Port Angeles on the way to Clallam Bay. There are some isolated beaches that have rocks and treasures from the sea that wash ashore during the winer storms.  Some day soon, I will go when it warms up a bit.


Nonetheless, I settled for the beach at Mukilteo. It’s a popular spot in the summer, but not so much on February 9th at 9am. What a glorious morning it was. The sun was out and I was able to find a spot away from the few people that were there. The Lord had lessons for me and I really wanted a perfect sea shell.


Well, the pickings were slim, as usual. I wandered around, inspecting the ground looking for “the one.” Many looked perfect, but each one was broken in one way or another and had been covered by the sand.


The rocks were no better. They were all odd-shaped and nothing caught my eye. Eventually, I picked up an one with strange white spots that I thought were quartz… hoping there might be a tiny crystal or 2. I didn’t find any when I got home. The sand and waves had done their work.


What did I find? Two people taking a winter dip in the water (brave souls). There were a few ducks also. But nothing topped the barnacles.   They attach themselves to whatever is available and feed on plankton when the tide is high. I found them on  small rocks, empty seashells, pieces of driftwood. These would eventually be “tossed about” in the water; but the ones on a very large rock were very stable. So it is with us. If we “build on the Rock,” the Lord Jesus and feed on His Word, we will be spiritually stable during these tough times; now and in the future. People will see that in our witness. Take care and know that you are loved. MB


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