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It's Over..., July 2023

Yes, the 4th of July has passed and hopefully it was a safe one for you and your family and/or friends. Mine was quiet and I did go to a couple of gatherings plus a potluck in the early evening. It was good!

Let the “4th of July” sales begin! And they have… I went into a Dollar Tree and found a “glow ball.” Took it home and bounced it, broke the vials inside and Wow! What a beautiful bluish light! By morning, the thing was a clear plastic ball and I couldn’t recreate what was so exciting the night before… That’s why it says “lasts for hours” on the packaging.

That’s the world we are living in. There’s all sorts of great stuff to do and get involved in, rather than spend time with God and read His Word. That’s how I feel sometimes! Yet there is no deep abiding peace and a sense of anxiety eventually and then hopelessness.

There are people out there that are not satisfied with the things in their lives have to offer because it just isn’t enough. Some if them live in Shoreline and have high-paying jobs or they are retired and travel the world over. They are people that had no interest a while ago but are willing to open the door to the Bible. With all the crazy weather & increased disasters & worldwide violence & politics &… &… People are worried…

“Marcy, this is nothing new. It’s been going on for a long time.”  True. But not to today’s intensity and it’s one thing after another!

Our only hope is Jesus coming again. Join me in continuing to do our morning & evening devotions and spending time studying the Bible. A relationship with Jesus is so important and being changed day by day so others can see Him in us. MB

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